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Seafood industry wants a support of 15-17 thousand billion VND
Update 1/22/2009

At the same time, the Association of Aquaculture has suggested to raise the rate of currency exchange to 5%, given the exporters better conditions

In the present, the foreign partners of Vietnamese aquaculture enterprises are not able to pay on time and cutting off the contracts. The Vietnamese enterprises are forced to cut off their operation, workers and even going to collapse.
The responsible people in Association of Processing and Exporting Vietnamese Aquaculture are going to submit 10 solutions to the government to help the enterprises raise their ability, operation and quantity of exported aquaculture in 2009 and 2010.

They said that the government should pay the rate of the money borrowed by the enterprises and delay the increase in electricity’s price and others to help the enterprises minimize their spending.
The government should also save about 15,000 – 17,000 billion VND from the money used for encouraging buying to help the enterprises buy all of the material from farmers as well as support the fishermen.

At the same time, the association suggested to raise the rate of current exchange from 3% to 5% in order to give the enterprises better conditions in exporting. Besides, the commerce should also be improved.

In 2008, the aquaculture export covered the third position in the general export of Vietnam, brought 4.56 billion USD following crude oil and clothes export.

 Source: VF

Translated by Vietfish Community